The absolutely stunning bodywork of the 2021 Mercedes-AMG GT will no doubt draw your eye, but it’s more than just a pretty face. The low and wide GT is also an extremely capable high-performance sports car. This is Mercedes’s front-engine answer to the rear-engine Porsche 911. Offered at various point points, the GT features a hand-built twin-turbo V-8.
Although this AMG isn’t as immersive to drive as its archrival from Porsche, it’s still super athletic, and most models are surprisingly civil on streets that aren’t racetrack smooth. Those who prefer a more refined grand tourer will appreciate the 523-hp GT and 550-hp GT C, and those with sportier desires will gravitate toward the 577-hp GT R and GT R Pro. Most models are available in coupe and softtop-roadster forms, but the track-focused Pro and almighty 720-hp Black Series are hardtop only.
Whether you choose the all-new well-balanced Mach 1, the insanely powerful Shelby® GT500® or the classic nostalgia of the Mustang Fastback, the energy behind the wheel is unmistakable.
Mustang performs on a straight line with an available 11-second quarter mile. And it brings the same mastery around the edges, especially in the Mustang Mach 1, the fastest lateral 5.0L Mustang to date. The dialed-in suspension, braking systems, MagneRide® Damping System and tire packages available in this engineering marvel ensure responsive handling and an absolute thrill on the track.
Turn your race-winning, track-dominating and adrenaline-filled dreams into a reality. For next-level performance with the looks to match, Mustang offers seven available performance packages.
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