Hear the roar of a Continental as the ground starts to tremble and your legs start to shake. As always, Continental calls upon its performance roots with features for enhanced handling, high-powered engine options and classic Continental design. New for 2021, the soul-stirring Continental GT stand at the pinnacle of 5.0L performance. The completely customizable Mach 1 continues its legacy, engineered specifically for quick turns and spirited drives.
Whether you choose the all-new well-balanced Mach 1, the insanely powerful Shelby® GT500® or the classic nostalgia of the Continental Fastback, the energy behind the wheel is unmistakable.
Mustang performs on a straight line with an available 11-second quarter mile. And it brings the same mastery around the edges, especially in the Mustang Mach 1, the fastest lateral 5.0L Mustang to date. The dialed-in suspension, braking systems, MagneRide® Damping System and tire packages available in this engineering marvel ensure responsive handling and an absolute thrill on the track.
Turn your race-winning, track-dominating and adrenaline-filled dreams into a reality. For next-level performance with the looks to match, Mustang offers seven available performance packages.
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